Friday 25 October 2013

Has different plans from different human

Here's part of a report with regards to the recent shootings in "CRAZY USA" yesterday........

During the massacre at Columbine High School massacre in April 1999, two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a shooting rampage, killing 12 students and a teacher, as well as wounding 24 others, before committing suicide.

"That shooting led to a period of introspection across the United States as the country briefly contemplated the downside of its celebrated "gun culture" but in the end, failed to pass laws or make other changes that would have made firearms less available.

A similar reaction followed the shooting in April of this year of 32 people by mentally disturbed student Cho Seung-Hui at Virginia Tech University, who also turned his arm on himself.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported last month that more than 1.4 million murders, rapes, robberies and assaults were committed around the United States last year, or a violent crime every 22 seconds.

The number of victims of violent crime in the United States last year was the equivalent of the entire population of European Union member Estonia or the African state of Gabon falling victim to murder, rape, robbery or assault.

The rate of violent crime was up by 1.9 percent compared with 2005, with murders climbing by 1.8 percent to nearly 15,000 cases last year."

Soon they are gonna debate again about gun control..... and will never get anything done. What they should actually do is..... Let people have guns and rifles and an other firearms. No gun-control crappy stuff. However, they should put a higher price on bullets.... like 1 bullet cost $5'000. Then, you'll make the crazy people thinking. Poor people can't be going around killing other people coz they can't afford it...... rich people can afford to kill, but is it worth putting $5000 in someone's head? And also, they should only sell bullets in "ADULT TOYS" stores. The thought of killing someone may change after looking at toys....... crazy people's mind revolve every 3 seconds. Trust me..... I know. I've got letters to prove

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